Office Address

Kenya Re building,4th floor, Upper hill Nairobi, kenya

Phone Number

Tel:+254 759 536 153

WhatsApp: +227 998 154 54

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To be recognised as enabler of road network improvement in Africa through sustainable and collaborating Road Maintenance Funds


To promote sustainable and well well-performing Road Maintenance Funds for better and safer road conditions and increased coverage within and amongst African countries that will enable economic, social and environmental development through meaningful strategic partnerships and developing and sharing useful knowledge, tools and best practices

Core Values & Objectives

 Core values are the non-negotiable manner in which all road sector stakeholders will execute this strategy, the style in which all will work to realise our joint road safety vision. The seven core values & principles are [PPIIIT]:

We bring proven skills, knowledge, and experience in all fields of our operations. We execute our duties with respect to professional skills, standards and guidelines
We work collaboratively as team with internal and external partners to achieve our joint objectives
All our members feel part of ARMFA, whether big or small. We all are promoting equality and “strength in diversity”
We observe and maintain high standards of ethical behaviour and the rule of law. Our behaviour is ethical and void of corruption. Rule of law ascribes to our processes and institutions within our countries or communities adhering to these laws
We embrace creative ideas and technologies to enhance quality, effectiveness and efficiency in road maintenance financing. Through R&D we develop new knowledge, best practices and tools in road maintenance and safety
We are consistently open, accountable and responsible to our stakeholders, especially of ARMFA funds and reporting back to the members