Office Address

Kenya Re building,4th floor, Upper hill Nairobi, kenya

Phone Number

Tel:+254 759 536 153

WhatsApp: +227 998 154 54

Email Address

Social Profiles

--- Who are we?

The African Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA)

 ARMFA is a non-political and a non-profit making Association that was founded on 18 December 2003 in Libreville, Gabon. This followed the recommendation of the Consultative meeting of the Road Maintenance Funds held in Yaoundé, Cameroon from 27th to 28th March 2003 concerning the establishment of the same. ARMFA’s main objective is to form a platform and a network for experience and information sharing on best road maintenance practices in Africa; to discuss and find
opportunities on funding options; to promote and strengthen links between members of African Roads
Funds. Continue reading…


To promote sustainable and well well-performing Road Maintenance Funds for better and safer road co


To be recognised as enabler of road network improvement in Africa through sustainable and collabora


• The three (3) Themes • The nine (9) Objectives with accountabilities • Performance Indicat

--- ARMFA Strategy

ARMFA General Assembly

Networking & Sharing

Good networking amongst members and other stakeholders and sharing of information through the following means:

  • The need for an effective and efficient knowledge sharing network – to share core competencies and best practices;
  • Effective Committee meetings and FG Meetings, incl. improved collaboration between FGs
  • The need for increased advocacy and awareness creation to member governments, e.g., on the importance of RMFs and RUCs development
  • Improved publishing and sharing of knowledge, practices & tools amongst members / RMFs;
    through established networks and events such as meetings, seminars; encouraging sharing of knowledge and experiences in the financing and management of road maintenance and safety
  • Promoting the ARMFA image and brand as opinion leader; through PR, marketing drives, etc.; e.g., through public seminars, events, meetings, published reports 
Member Countries
Annual Revenue
$ 0
Annual Collection Rate
0 %
Head Offices, Africa

Kenya Re building,4th floor, Upper hill Nairobi, kenya

We’re all about helping you getting financing for better road maintenance.

Our Newsfeed

News Insights

ARMFA’s 21st GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2024 kicks off this week in 21st in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.