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21st Annual General Assembly of ARMFA in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)

AFERA makes President Ouattara the “Championleader” for infrastructure

The Annual General Assembly of the African Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA) was opened this Monday, May 13 by the Prime Minister of Côte d’Ivoire, Robert Beugré Mambé.

On this occasion, the president of ARMFA, Cameroonian Essaïe Moussa Aubin, praised the quality of road infrastructure and investments in the field in Côte d’Ivoire and proclaimed that ARMFA had decided to make the Ivorian president a ” champion leader”, for his “work to transform Abidjan and Côte d’Ivoire”. 

Through this high recognition, the organization also hopes to benefit from the necessary advocacy among all African Heads of State with a view to raising ARMFA to the rank of “specialized structure of the African Union”. The final objective being the improvement and development of the road in Africa. The final objective being the improvement and development of the road in Africa


Recognition and gratitude to the “dynamic director general of FER Côte d’Ivoire”

 In the speech of the president of ARMFA, a great place was also reserved for the director general of the Road Maintenance Fund (FER) of Côte d’Ivoire, Annick Tohé Lasmel. Her “dynamism” was noted by Essaïe Moussa Aubin and she was applauded for a long time.

Hundreds of delegates are present in Abidjan. The work, focused on “sustainable financing of road maintenance” will last until May 16.


“We must therefore consider giving more weight to the future impact of the existence of the road.” “For all countries, it is becoming imperative to encourage research and the emergence of new construction materials for our roads. This is where the role of construction laboratories becomes increasingly important.” Robert Beugré Mambé, Prime Minister