Kenya Re building,4th floor, Upper hill Nairobi, kenya
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Tel:+254 759 536 153
WhatsApp: +227 998 154 54
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ARMFA Membership
According to the Constitution / By-Laws (2018), Membership, Rights and Obligations of Members, Clause 6, ARMFA shall be composed of three different membership categories, namely:
Full member: Any National Road Maintenance Fund who adheres to the present By-Laws
Associate member: any entity under a federal state or a decentralized collectivity registered with ARMFA, and
Partner member: any organisation similar to a Road Maintenance Fund playing a role in road maintenance in any African country or any organization dealing in the operations of road maintenance
ARMFA’s Membership is composed of 35 countries (English, French and Portuguese speakers) as well as one Associate member. Membership is open to all Road Maintenance Funds of all African Countries. However, Countries with Federal States are admitted as Associate Members which makes them nonvoting members of the General Assembly.
To ensure a coordinated management of ARMFA, member countries have been clustered into four Regional Focal Groups (FGs) that include the West African FG; the Southern African FG; the Central African FG and the East African FG. Each of these focal groups meets regularly to discuss issues of mutual interest for their respective regions, whose resolutions are then presented for discussion and adoption by the General Assembly during the Association’s Annual Conference.
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