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Annual Plans 


Controls to ensure the successful implementation of this Strategic Plan shall be established by an annual action plan, which is to be developed and reviewed in the fourth quarter of each of the five years.

While developing annual action plans, the Executive Secretary (Implementer) reviews the work identified in the multi-year strategic plan and prioritises the work to be conducted in the current year. The planning team then conducts a deeper level of planning for those initiatives, which result in both a more comprehensive understanding of the tasks to be completed that year as well as the performance plan that the Executive Committee can use to guide, monitor, and report on the Association’s activities during the course of the year

 Progress Monitoring & Evaluation


Performance monitoring shall be done by the Executive Committee (evaluator) using Quarterly Progress Reports developed against the year’s Annual Action Plan. The Quarterly Progress Reports shall provide the following information:

  • Precise status of time-based and measurable actions that were planned for the quarter to support
    the completion of a project and/or period goal
  • Status of key events or action items that were planned to be implemented and/or are currently inprogress to achieve a specific annual objective
  • Utilisation of resources including Income, expenses, human capital and procurement activities
  • Required amendments on future plan of action and/or schedule.


At the end of the implementation year and preceding the development of the next year’s Annual Action Plan, the Executive Committee shall evaluate and report the Association’s annual performance to the General Assembly.
Annual Evaluation of the Association’s performance towards the strategic objectives outlined in this Strategic plan and Annual Action Plans shall include the parameters outlined as follows:

  • Evaluations must be conducted on specific, measurable time-bound, achievable and realistic targets set for the given year.
  • The performance indicators outlined for each strategic objective should be used to develop an
    evaluation metrics.
  • Measures of success (PIs) should contain a numeric value when applicable or clearly observable conditions.
  • When available, standard(s) that a given initiative (project / programme) sets for itself should be used to measure progress in achieving the annual objective as measured by its PI(s).

    During the Fourth Quarter of 2023, the Executive Committee shall conduct a formal evaluation and report to the General Assembly its performance towards achieving the strategic objectives outlined in this strategic plan. This evaluation shall be conducted according to the agreed upon metrics, namely PIs to measure to what extent objectives have been achieved and project management metrics to determine to what extents initiatives are being executed according to the required scope, quality, time and budget limitations.

 Quarterly Performance Management Cycle

A repeatable cycle of performance management, including Measurement, Evaluation, Reporting,
Improving and Learning (MERIL), needs to be institutionalised and supported by appropriate technology. Quarterly performance management meetings are important events on the strategy execution journey to review, report, learn and improve on strategy execution performance