Office Address

Kenya Re building,4th floor, Upper hill Nairobi, kenya

Phone Number

Tel:+254 759 536 153

WhatsApp: +227 998 154 54

Email Address

Social Profiles

ARMFA Organisational Background

ARMFA is a non-political and a non-profit making Association that was founded on 18 December 2003 in Libreville, Gabon. This followed the recommendation of the Consultative meeting of the Road Maintenance Funds held in Yaoundé, Cameroon from 27th to 28th March 2003 concerning the establishment of the same.

ARMFA’s main objective is to form a platform and a network for experience and information sharing on best road maintenance practices in Africa; to discuss and find opportunities on funding options; to promote and strengthen links between members of African Roads Funds, so that Road Funds achieve sustainability in funding and functions.

With almost 19 years representing the interests of Road Funds, ARMFA has successfully positioned itself
as the key institution representing the Road Funds at the African and International level and now aims to build on its achievements through the new strategic planning period (2023-2027).

Historical Road Management Context in Africa


Since the late 1990s, Africa has experienced a wind of changes in its approach to road management and
financing. It has become increasingly apparent that traditional approaches, which have relied on
management of roads through a Government Department and financing them through general budget
allocations, have commonly not worked.
The performance of Road Funds had been generally quite poor in Sub-Sahara Africa. Some of the
problems cited were; poor financial management; absence of independent status; extensive use of funds
for unauthorized expenditures; diversion of funds; and weak over site. As a result, most of these earlier
‘first generation’ Road Funds had actually been closed down – very often at the express urging of the
World Bank and IMF (Heggie, 2003 and SSATP).
This had led to the development of the Road Management Initiative (RMI) in 1997, a donor-funded, World
Bank managed programme supporting the formulation and implementation of appropriate policies in the
road sector.
The RMI has, over the past ten years, worked with interested African Countries to identify the underlying
causes of poor road management policies and develop an agenda of reforms that will facilitate
sustainable management of the public road networks.
Working with broad-based steering committees on a country level, the RMI commits member states to
the development of a harmonised regional road sector policy with the following main features:
a) Clear separation and allocating of responsibilities for road funding and road management.
b) Establishing accountable and autonomous roads institutions with public and private sector
participation in key decision-making organs.
c) Adopting commercial management practices to foster institutional, economic and technical
efficiency by contracting out of road construction and maintenance activities.
d) Adopting appropriate financing principles and practices to secure adequate and sustainable
sources of funding through road user pay principles.
e) Dedicating revenues from roads to their provision, operation and maintenance.
f) Identifying sustainable funding sources to ensure a regular flow of funds

Strategic Plan

This Strategic Plan is the ARMFA roadmap for the period 2023-2027 that outlines the strategic themes, objectives and initiatives that ARMFA and its members intend to take in order to achieve its vision.
This plan provides an integrated picture of where ARMFA should be within the next five years and serves as a communication vehicle for conveying specific direction, focus and allocation of resources in response to road maintenance and safety challenges in Africa.

 Development process

This strategic plan was compiled in close collaboration with its Council and will form the basis for performance management. The process of preparing this strategic plan began with a workshop in Swakopmund, Namibia on 27 – 29 January 2022. Thereafter a working committee was appointed to finalise the strategy. The final draft strategic plan was presented to the AGM conducted in Senegal during May 2022.

Member Countries
Annual Revenue
$ 0
Annual Collection Rate
0 %